Tag Archives: Kenny Chesney

Positive Press

Alicia Porack

Kenny Chesney helps Hamburg woman battling cancer

Here’s a great story about staying positive during tough times…and, how empowering it can be to be yourself, no matter what the circumstances.

Positive Press


As one of our wedding presents, my wife and I recently acquired a beautiful new canoe that looks exactly like the one in the picture, below. I could not be happier about this.


I mean, just look at it. Ah.

Water has always fascinated me, and boats of course being the transportation mode of choice for getting around on water, have also caught my interest. “Vessels of freedom” as Kenny Chesney describes in one of his songs.

Built to get you out on the water and get away from the daily grind…and hey, engines are optional. A few paddles are all I need to get around. 🙂

We’ve taken ours out one time so far. Other than struggling to get it properly tied onto the vehicle (oops) it was a perfect ending to a long, busy week. So peaceful. Can’t wait to get it back in the water this summer and unwind out on the water.

I’m thankful for this blessing. Sure, it’s just a 15 foot long piece of fiberglass – but it’s a way to enjoy life and spend time with the people I love. I feel fortunate to have it.

Have a great day.

My Five Favorite Christmas Songs – #1

Alright everyone, the big moment has arrived. Thanks to all of you who’ve stopped by to listen to the songs in the countdown.

Number One on my list…is ‘Silent Night’ by Kenny Chesney.

It’s a no-brainer for me. This is my Mom’s favorite Christmas song and this version of it just happens to be sung by my favorite singer – and his Mom. You can’t beat that.

Blessings to all of you this Christmas. May the season be magical for you and yours.

Don’t Blink

You best start putting the first things first. ‘Cause when your hourglass runs outta sand you can’t flip it over, start again.

I found this song while I was going through my iTunes library. I can’t remember the last time I listened to it, but I’m glad it popped up.

It’s a pretty good reminder to make the most of your life…or at the very least, to not take it for granted.

Life goes faster than you think.

Yes, it sure does. Seems like just yesterday – well, a lot of things seem like just yesterday. The older I get the more I find myself thinking or saying that.

Take every breath God gives you for what it’s worth.

Indeed. Here’s to making today a good day. It’s the only one we’re guaranteed so why not give it our best? 🙂

Some People Change

Here’s to the strong, thanks to the brave. Don’t give up hope, some people change. Against all odds, against the grain. Love finds a way, some people change.

I’ve always liked this song. I believe that anyone can change, no matter who they’ve been and what they’ve done in their life. Not everyone does, and I recognize that. But anyone can…and some people do, just like the chorus of that song says.

Continue reading Some People Change