

“Breakthrough begins where my excuses end.”

Are you waiting for a breakthrough in your life? The sentence above might not be what you’re looking to hear, but I’ll bet it rings true the more you think about it. It sure does for me.

Isn’t it true we make so many excuses for the things we feel we can’t overcome? I do it all the time. Let me know if any of this sounds familiar:

God, there’s no way this could possibly change or get better. I’m not worthy of Your grace. My past is too messed up to have a bright future. You could never understand. I really want things to change but it’s impossible, this is just the way it is and always will be. It would be too hard to do what it takes to really see change happen. Why haven’t You given me a breakthrough?

“Could it be possible that while you’re waiting for God to come down, God is waiting for you to get up? Maybe breakthrough doesn’t begin when your situation changes, but when you make a determination within yourself, ‘I’m not blaming anybody, I’m not waiting for anyone, I don’t need my situation to change. God change me, that’s my prayer. God change me. Do a work in me. Living Water, spring up a well within my soul.’ And God says, this is the place where breakthrough begins – not with them, not with it, with Me. Do a work in me, God. I’m ready!”

This message from Pastor Steven Furtick challenges me and I wanted to share it with you. Perhaps you need the same challenge right now.

Let’s challenge ourselves to be the change we are seeking in our lives. Let’s not sit idly another day. Let’s believe God wants us to get up, instead of waiting for Him to come down. God, change me…I’m ready!

Have a great day.

Just Keep Livin

Discovered this song the other day. It has a nice island sound to it and the ‘goodbye to winter’ lyrics he slips in there were exactly what this Midwesterner needed to hear as my least favorite season has officially worn out its welcome around here.

But as the song goes, “We’ve got to make the best of what we’ve been given.” Yep. Good stuff. 🙂

Enjoy, and have a great day.

Blowing Up a Bridge

(That title got your attention, didn’t it?)

Had to share this – it is the demolition of the westbound span of the old Chain of Rocks Canal bridge in Granite City, IL.

I had the opportunity to get video and photos of this event when it happened a couple of weeks ago. It was really cool! Enjoy.

Just Like Lightning

Alright friends, let’s get this week going. Love this song…pretty good message in it, too. 🙂

Happy Monday, have a great day!

The Rock Won’t Move

‘When the ground beneath my feet gives way and I hear the sound of crashing waves, and all my world is washing out to sea.
I’m hidden safe in the God who never moves, holding fast to the promise of Your truth that You are holding tighter still to me.
The Rock won’t move and His Word is strong. The Rock won’t move and His love can’t be undone!’

Thank you God for being our Rock…for holding onto us…for loving us unconditionally. You are amazing in every way.