Tag Archives: hope

Expect Good Things

I totally get not wanting to get overly excited about something that could be good, and I totally get keeping expectations low about things in general. I’ve excelled at this in life.

But lately, I’m seeing real value in being positive (as in, sure) about an outcome and even saying it out loud at times, expecting in faith it will happen if it is supposed to happen. Of course, speaking something into existence is God’s lane. Being confident when we pray for something is ours, though.

So here’s to believing for good things and expecting them to happen. I’d rather be hopeful and then disappointed, but yet know it truly wasn’t meant to be, instead of play it safe and never truly have hope for anything good, just to avoid a possible letdown.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Have a great day.

A Note to the Enemy

It is our great privilege to inform you…that you have been defeated. Forever.

Faith has won. Hope has won. Love has won.

Happy Easter!

In a Greater Way

“Some of the things you’ve lost in your life, God is not going to bring back in the exact same way. He is going to restore them to you in a greater way than you’ve ever seen them before.”

-Steven Furtick

Good Despite the Not so Good

2020 has been quite a year, hasn’t it? Lots of things to put in the negative column for many folks, and I’d be lying if I said this didn’t include me.

But, isn’t it interesting…good has still been there to be found, through even the most difficult year of pretty much everyone’s life on this Earth.

God is good. He has been there, even during times when it may not have seemed like it. I see it now, as I start to reflect on the events of this past year. It’s taken some time for me to get it into view, but He’s starting to reveal His goodness to me from this chapter of life more clearly. And yes, it’s still 2020.

I read this Bible verse the other night and it sums up what I’m talking about, here. Praise God for always being faithful, no matter what. He is always enough!

Lamentations 19:24
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.

The Constant Among the Changes

Even during this absolutely crazy year of 2020, with so many changes and so many struggles here on this Earth…one thing has not changed.

Psalms 102:27
You are always the same. You are God for all time.

I don’t know about you, but this gives me reason for having joy. He is with us, through it all. Yes!

Plenty to still be thankful for, today. Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Have a great day.