Tag Archives: health

Positive Press

Illinois Wheelchair Bike Program Restores Health, Happiness One Ride at a Time

Here’s a look at a program that gives elderly and disabled folks an opportunity to go on a bike ride. Good stuff!

Positive Press

Where Were You?

Where Were You

‘But I wonder, where were you? When I was at my worst, down on my knees? And you said you had my back, so I wonder where were you?’

If you listen to pop music, you know these are lyrics from the song ‘Maps’ by Maroon 5. It’s a song that has absolutely nothing to do with what I’m going to write about, but just stay with me here for a minute.

Right now, there are a lot of people hurting about a lot of things. Perhaps something fairly recent, or something that happened a long time ago.

It could have been the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, your health, financial well-being…anything. Whatever it might have been, the hurt is still there and along with it, frustration and even anger.

Sometimes, traumatic or significantly stressful events can lead to a loss of faith and a turn away from God. After all, where were you God? When I was at my worst, down on my knees? Why would you do something like that? If you really loved me, why did you make me sick or take that person away from me? Why me? Why don’t you listen to me? How could you let that happen?

I love God deeply…but I would be lying if I said I’ve never thought these types of things in the past. I can remember nights yelling at God, being upset about my circumstances, and wondering why it seemed like He wasn’t doing anything or why He wasn’t listening.

Let’s face it, there are times when it can feel like God’s just not there.

But He is there, and the reason for writing this post is to encourage anyone who’s experienced something difficult that is testing your faith or that has even caused you to throw your hands up with God.

Things don’t always make sense. Life is definitely not ‘fair’ as we would call it. I am not trying to minimize the pain you are experiencing, nor can I understand exactly how you’re feeling or what you’re going through.

But I can speak from personal experience in saying that, God will lift you up when you can’t lift yourself up. He will bring you out of valleys and let you stand on top of mountains. He will never, ever give up on you and He does have a good plan for your life. These aren’t just feel-good words to fill up a blog post…it’s the truth.

Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

So I’d just encourage you today to reach out to God, whether it’s been a long time or if you never have. It doesn’t mean things will magically get better right away. He’s not a genie in a bottle who just grants wishes. But God does listen to our prayers. He hears the cries of the brokenhearted. And, He will get you through whatever you’re going through.

Psalm 107:6
Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress.

And if you never have before, you don’t have to be an ordained minister or know the ‘right words’ to pray – just talk to God. He will hear you.

If you want/need someone to pray for you, I would love to do that. Either leave a comment below or if you’d prefer to stay anonymous, just click the ‘Contact’ link at the top of my blog and email me.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this today. Have a great day and remember, God loves you!

Get Your Moles Checked (National Skin Cancer Awareness Month)

In case you didn’t know, May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month (of course, I suppose we should be aware of it every month but you get the point.)

I went in to see a dermatologist Tuesday for what has become a nearly annual event for me – having moles removed.

They took two off of me this time. I’ll find out the results sometime next week. Hopefully it’s nothing, and even though I am not in any way a fan of having needles and knives around me, an hour of that and a few stitches aren’t that bad if it means getting rid of stuff that might not be good. I had a few ‘bad’ ones taken off a few years ago. Thankfully they weren’t melanoma, but I was told they could have become that if they hadn’t been removed.

So how do you know which moles are ‘good’ and which ones are ‘bad’? Well, here’s a great resource for what to look for and how to look: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/moles

Also, here are some general tips when it comes to skin cancer prevention:

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t go in for appointments as much as I should. Heck, someone as pale as I am should probably be in there once a week 🙂 But I would just urge you today to check yourself for moles and if you notice a mole changing color, shape, or texture, it might be time to go see a doctor. It’s better to have it taken off and have it turn out to be nothing than to wait too long and deal with who knows what.

Thanks for reading this today. Have a great day everyone.

UPDATE: Mole results came back negative! I’m ‘healthy’ woo hoo!

The Gym

Yes, the gym – as in, the place where I’ve been the past two nights.

That makes two more nights than I’ve spent at one of these places in the past, oh, three or four years combined.

You see, I’m no bodybuilder. I’m not into getting all buff and stuff, nor do I really care what people think about my physique. I mean let’s face it. I’m a short, skinny, pale, redheaded kid. It is what it is 🙂

At the same time, I have not been exercising anywhere near as much as one should if one is trying to take good care of oneself.

And so, I made a promise to take better care of myself this year, which means this strange place called the gym may start becoming a lot more familiar to me. Not to try to get huge, but instead to get healthy.

I joined a place that is just a few minutes away from my house. It’s great. New, clean, plenty of space, open 24 hours, very affordable…and all kinds of TV sets including of course ESPN which I no longer have after cancelling cable last year (another story for another time) so as an added bonus it’s a place to watch sports! All while getting off the couch and out of the house.


Here’s to all of us being healthy and taking better care of ourselves in the year ahead. Oh, and if you need me this week I’ll be watching the Australian Open on TV #3 by the elliptical machines.

Have a great day.

The Gym


I rarely talk about being sick because I know there are so many people who have it worse than me whenever I am sick.

In this case, I still know that but will write about it today because it hit me that being sick can really provide some great reflection time.

Being sick the past week or so (Costa Rica gave me, my girlfriend, and about six others on our tour a going away present we didn’t want) has provided a reminder that my health is something I tend to take for granted. Gonna try not to do that anymore.

Hope you’re all well, wherever you are. Looking forward to being back to full strength sometime soon here 🙂

Have a good day.