Tag Archives: Colorado

Positive Press

Positive Press 1

This Single Dad Couldn’t Do His Daughter’s Ponytail, So He Went To Cosmetology School

Target Employees Help Young Man Prep for Job Interview, Tie His Tie

Students pay it forward to fire victim

Positive Press

Positive Press 1

It’s Friday! Time for some positive news stories. Have a great day and a great weekend, everyone.

Video catches Buffalo bus driver saving apparently suicidal woman

Owen Schipnewski, Minnesota Man, Gets Back Hunting Jacket And $1,700 … 4 Years Later

Sixth-Grader Invents Sandless Sandbags to Save Lives and Property in Floods

Positive Press

Positive Press 1
Softball Team Provides a Break From the Everyday for Denver Homeless

After Colorado flood, ‘mudslingers’ pitch in

Carroll County group brings joy with ‘card bombs’

The Alex Teves Challenge


From the article:

“If you want to describe Alex in one word, he was just good,” says his father, Tom Teves. “He wasn’t a standout in anything, but he cared about people.”

It is the goodness of humanity that Teves wants the world to know and remember: the virtues of his son — and the 11 others killed at a midnight premiere of the latest Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises,” in a cinema in Aurora, Colorado.

That desire has taken shape as a crusade. In the midst of mourning his first born, Tom Teves has wrested purpose from his grief — the Alex Teves Challenge, he calls it. He demands that the media stop naming and showing images of the gunmen in mass murders.

If you continue reading the article, you will see that the father of Alex Teves wants everyone to remember the heroic acts of those who perished at that movie theater in Colorado, and not the act of cowardice that took so many lives.

His message is geared toward the news media but it carries a broader meaning that can be put into practice by all of us.

Focus on the good, not the bad. Let good triumph over evil.

Bad things will happen and our lives will not be void of hard times, sometimes extremely hard times. The world is not a perfect place.

But, no matter what it might be…even something as horrific as someone walking into a crowded movie theater and shooting innocent men, women, and children…we don’t have to dwell on the evil act, nor do we have to let evil win.

I don’t know if Mr. Teves had this in mind when he came up with his challenge, but I’m going to offer it here anyway:

Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Let’s keep the good in the forefront, whether it’s in the aftermath of this tragic event, or just the every day doings of our lives.

Let’s live our lives in a way that promotes good, not evil.

Let’s be positives, not negatives.

Let’s accept this challenge and overcome evil with good.

God bless.

Skiing = Awesome

I went skiing this weekend. It was the first time for me in more than a decade.

Boyne Highlands in Harbor Springs, Michigan was the destination of choice. It’s a great place with plenty of options for skiers of all skill levels. Check it out sometime.

The only other time for me was in Vermont so I didn’t know what to expect. As it turns out, you can do some good skiing in places other than there or Colorado. Northern Michigan is a great place for skiing.

I forgot how much fun this sport is, but somehow I hadn’t forgotten how to do it. I figured it was going to be a disaster but after a day filled with making run after run down the slopes, my body (and my ego) remained intact. Didn’t even fall down once!

It felt really good to be back on skis. I got a nice workout and had a lot of fun in the process.

It’s so much fun carving your way through the snow as you make your way down to the bottom…just the right combination of peaceful and exhilarating. Love it.

Somehow, 14 years passed between my only other time on the slopes and this time. I’m going to make every effort to make sure that doesn’t happen again.