Tag Archives: motivation

What Are You Magnifying?

“What you magnify, you get more of.”

-Steven Furtick

Wow. I heard this today and it really made me think. What am I magnifying in my life? What am I putting my focus on?

Am I spending more time magnifying what’s wrong instead of what’s right? Am I looking at things the right way? What has my focus? Am I seeing God’s blessings or ignoring them? Is my focus on Him or me?

What you magnify, you get more of. Couldn’t agree more with that. Time to take a closer look and see what that is for me. Perhaps you, too?

Have a great day.

Equipped to Love

“With the power of the Spirit, we are equipped to love our neighbor as ourselves today.”
–Mark Shields

I read this quote the other day and it stuck with me.

With all the fighting in the world that goes on, the disagreements, the hurt feelings…this is so important to internalize.

We have the power to love people. We have the power to love people as we would like to be loved. It’s there. We just need to tap into it.

Thanks, Mark – for the reminder, the motivation and the encouragement.

Have a great day. Go show some love to someone, while you’re at it. 🙂


A Precious Gift

“Every single day is a precious gift. Waiting for the conditions to be just right before you make the most of it is as tragic as it gets.”

-Jason Kotecki


Works of Art and The Artist


“There is something in every work of art that points to the artist.”
-John King

These words were spoken at church today. Some good motivation in them.

We are all God’s works of art. But, do people see Him in us?

I was challenged by these words. If I say Jesus is my Savior…am I acting in a way that people would believe it?

Anyway, just a quick post today to pass this challenge along to you – but also to encourage you. You are God’s masterpiece! Go out and live in a way that glorifies Him. Treat other people in a way that points them to Him.

As it says in Matthew 5:16, let your light shine!

Have a great day.

Keep Moving Forward

“The attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past. The enemy fears you becoming who God has made you to be.”
-Lisa Bevere

Just a reminder today to ignore what the bad guy might be telling you: you’re not good enough, you’ll never make it, you can’t do this. Those are all lies.

Keep moving forward! Believe in your dreams and God’s destiny for your life. You’ve been put here to make a difference and you have what it takes to do that. Go out there and be a world changer – nothing is impossible with God by your side.

Have a great day!

Keep Moving Forward