Praying (instead of pointing fingers)

‘We may have a different understanding of certain things in our walk with Christ but in the end we are all on the same team for God.’

critical christian

I am a Christian.

I criticize my sister and brother in Christ anytime I see them straying off the path I think is right.

I make sure to point out the wrongs and flaws in people every chance that I get.

And if I can’t criticize them to their face then I just do it to my friends behind their back.

Because as a Christian it’s my duty to make sure everyone is judged and corrected and living for God just the way I want.

This is not the gospel that we preach on Sunday morning.

But unfortunately sometimes that’s the gospel that we choose to live.

And I am starting to see it more every day.

The brother or sister in Christ that is meant to support you and hold you up is the very one that brings you down.

It doesn’t make any sense logically.

I live in…

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