Tag Archives: unshakable faith

God Is Who He Is

“Obedience is the key to real faith – the unshakable kind of faith so powerfully illustrated by Job’s life. Job lost his home, his family, his health. But though it appeared God had abandoned him, Job clung to the assurance that God is who He is.”
-Charles Colson

Isn’t it funny how quickly we forget that God is who He is?

  • Stuck in traffic. What am I going to do? I’m running late!
  • Tough day at work. How am I ever going to get this done? Why do I have to deal with this situation?
  • Family issues. Why can’t this child see the right way to do things?
  • Financial problems. How are we going to afford this? We’ll never get out of this hole.

Where’s God in all of these questions? We all (myself absolutely included) tend to forget that He is in control…that God is who He is.

So much stress, so much worry. 

As the author goes on to say, real faith is believing and acting obediently regardless of circumstances or contrary evidence.

A reminder to myself today, and anyone else who needs it, to keep that in mind. If we truly believe in God, incorporating that belief into our daily routine and applying it to difficulties that come up will keep us in a place of peace.

Simply remembering that God is who He is can be a real game-changer.

Have a great day.
